Adverse Reactions to Vaccines
Allergen immunotherapy is generally a safe and effective treatment for allergies to environmental allergens and to venoms of stinging insects. However, as with all medical treatments, there may be side effects. The side effects of immunotherapy ("allergy shots") are uncommon and may include localized swelling in the area of the injection as well as more serious reactions. More serious reactions to vaccines may manifest as swelling in the throat or asthma-type symptoms with respiratory distress or with cardiovascular involvement which may range from a fall in blood pressure to chest pains, abnormal heart rhythms and anaphylactic shock. These symptoms tend to come on shortly after the injection. Patients must remain in the waiting room for 30 minutes after each injection for observation in the event of a reaction.
In patients receiving immunotherapy, any change in medications must be reported to the physician. Some medications may increase the risk of severe reactions to allergy vaccines.
Your physician must be made aware of any delayed reactions to allergy vaccines.
Poorly controlled asthma increases the risk of reactions to allergy vaccines. Asthma must be well-controlled to minimize the risk of reactions.